Single-molecule quantitation of RNA-binding protein occupancy and stoichiometry defines a role for Yra1 (Aly/REF) in nuclear mRNP organization. Ryuta Asada, Andrew Domingue, Ben Montpetit. 2023, Cell Reports 42, 113415 November 28, 2023.
Gle1 is required for tRNA to stimulate Dbp5 ATPase activity in vitro and to promote Dbp5 mediated tRNA export in vivo. Arvind Arul Nambi Rajan, Ryuta Asada, Ben Montpetit. eLife (2023) 12:RP89835.
SUMOylation at the inner nuclear membrane facilitates nuclear envelope biogenesis during mitosis. Natasha O. Saik, Christopher Ptak, Saif Rehman, John D. Aitchison, Ben Montpetit, and Richard W. Wozniak. 2023, Journal of Cell Biology 222 (8): e202208137. See accompanying JCB Spotlight article.
Nuclear mRNA metabolism drives selective basket assembly on a subset of nuclear pores in budding yeast. Pierre Bensidoun, Taylor Reiter, Ben Montpetit, Daniel Zenklusen, Marlene Oeffinger. 2022, Molecular Cell, Volume 82, Issue 20, 20 October, Pages 3856-3871.e6.
The nucleoporin Gle1 activates DEAD-box protein 5 (Dbp5) by promoting ATP binding and accelerating rate limiting phosphate release. Gray, S., Cao, W., Montpetit, B., & de La Cruz, E. M. 2022, Nucleic Acids Research, Volume 50, Issue 7, 22 April 2022, Pages 3998–4011.
Phosphorylation-dependent mitotic SUMOylation drives nuclear envelope-chromatin interactions. Christopher Ptak, Natasha O. Saik, Ashwini Premashankar, Diego L. Lapetina, John D. Aitchison, Ben Montpetit, and Richard W. Wozniak. 2021, Journal of Cell Biology 220 (12): e202103036. See accompanying JCB Spotlight article.
Charting Shifts in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Gene Expression across Asynchronous Time Trajectories with Diffusion Maps. Taylor Reiter, Rachel Montpetit, Ron Runnebaum, C. Titus Brown, Ben Montpetit. 2021, mBio, October 5.
Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene expression during fermentation of Pinot noir wines at industrially relevant scale. Taylor Reiter, Rachel Montpetit, Shelby Byer, Isadora Frias, Esmeralda Leon, Robert Viano, Michael Mcloughlin, Thomas Halligan, Desmon Hernandez, Ron Runnebaum, Ben Montpetit. (2021) Appl Environ Microbiol, May 11;87(11).
Transcriptomics Provides a Genetic Signature of Vineyard Site and Offers Insight into Vintage-Independent Inoculated Fermentation Outcomes. Taylor Reiter, Rachel Montpetit, Shelby Byer, Isadora Frias, Esmeralda Leon, RobertViano, Michael Mcloughlin, Thomas Halligan, Desmon Hernandez, Rosa Figueroa-Balderas, Dario Cantu, Kerri Steenwerth, Ron Runnebaum, Ben Montpetit. (2021) mSystems, Apr 27;6(2).
The SR-protein Npl3 is an essential component of the meiotic splicing regulatory network in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Rima Sandhu, Aniketa Sinha, and Ben Montpetit. (2021) Nucleic Acids Research, Volume 49, Issue 5, 18 March 2021, Pages 2552–2568.
Emerging molecular functions and novel roles for the DEAD-box protein Dbp5/DDX19 in gene expression. Arvind Arul Nambi Rajan and Ben Montpetit. (2021) Cell. Mol. Life Science, 78, 2019–2030.
Topoisomerase activity is linked to altered nucleosome positioning and transcriptional regulation in the fission yeast fbp1 gene. Ryuta Asada*, Satoshi Senmatsu*, Ben Montpetit, and Kouji Hirota. (2020) PLoS One, 15, e0242348. (* denotes equal contribution)
Altered rRNA processing disrupts nuclear RNA homeostasis via competition for the poly(A)-binding protein Nab2. Lisbeth-Carolina Aguilar*, Biplab Paul*, Taylor Reiter, Louis Gendron, Arvind Arul Nambi Rajan, Rachel Montpetit, Christian Trahan, Sebastian Pechmann, Marlene Oeffinger, and Ben Montpetit. (2020) Nucleic Acids Research, 48, 11675–11694. (* denotes equal contribution)
A nuclear role for the DEAD-box protein Dbp5 in tRNA export. Azra Lari, Arvind Arul Nambi Rajan, Rima Sandhu, Taylor Reiter, Rachel Montpetit, Barry P Young, Chris JR Loewen, Ben Montpetit. (2019) eLife 2019;8:e48410.
Live-Cell Imaging of mRNP-NPC Interactions in Budding Yeast. Lari A, Farzam F, Bensidoun P, Oeffinger M, Zenklusen D, Grunwald D, Montpetit B. (2019) Methods Molecular Biology 2019;2038:131-150. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4939-9674-2_9. PMID: 31407282.
Exonuclease domain mutants of yeast DIS3 display genome instability. Karissa L. Milbury, Biplab Paul, Azra Lari, Claire Fowler, Ben Montpetit & Peter C. Stirling (2019) Nucleus, DOI: 10.1080/19491034.2019.1578600. PMID: 30724665.
Nup159 weakens Gle1 binding to Dbp5 but does not accelerate ADP release. Wong EV, Gray S, Cao W, Montpetit R, Montpetit B, De La Cruz EM. Journal of Molecular Biology 2018 May 18;. PMID: 29782832
Nucleoplasmic Nup98 controls gene expression by regulating a DExH/D-box protein. Juliana S Capitanio, Ben Montpetit and Richard W Wozniak. Nucleus, 9:1, 1-8, DOI: 10.1080/19491034.2017.1364826.
Human Nup98 regulates the localization and activity of DExH/D-box helicase DHX9. Juliana S Capitanio, Ben Montpetit and Richard W Wozniak. eLife 2017;10.7554/eLife.18825.
Photo-activation of the delocalized lipophilic cation D112 potentiates cancer selective ROS production and apoptosis. Yang N, Weinfeld M, Lemieux H, Montpetit B, and Goping IS. Cell Death & Disease (2017) 8, e2587; doi:10.1038/cddis.2017.19.
Temporal and spatial regulation of mRNA export: Single particle RNA-imaging provides new tools and insights. Heinrich S, Derrer CP, Lari A, Weis K, Montpetit B. Bioessays. 2017 Volume 39, Issue 2.
Altered RNA processing and export leads to retention of mRNAs near transcription sites, nuclear pore complexes, or within the nucleolus. Paul B, Montpetit B. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 2016 Sep 1;27(17):2742-56.
Pi release limits the intrinsic and RNA-stimulated ATPase cycles of DEAD-box protein 5 (Dbp5).Emily V. Wong, Wenxiang Cao, Judit Vörös, Monique Merchant, Yorgo Modis, David D. Hackney, Ben Montpetit, Enrique M. De La Cruz. Journal of Molecular Biology 2016 Jan 29;428(2 Pt B):492-508.
In vivo single particle imaging of nuclear mRNA export in budding yeast demonstrates an essential role for Mex67p. Carlas Smith*, Azra Lari*, Carina Derrer*, Anette Ouwehand, Ammeret Rossouw, Maximillian Huisman, Thomas Dange, Mark Hopman, Aviva Joseph, Karsten Weis, David Grunwald, and Ben Montpetit. Journal of Cell Biology, 2015 Dec 21; 122(6). (* denotes equal contribution). See accompanying JCB In Focus article.
Emerging properties of nuclear RNP biogenesis and export. Oeffinger M, Montpetit B. Current Opinion in Cell Biology. 2015 Jun;34:46-53.
An Alternative Route for Nuclear mRNP Export by Membrane Budding. Montpetit B, & Weis K. Science. 2012 May 18;336(6083):809-810.
Analysis of DEAD-Box Proteins in mRNA Export. Montpetit B, Seelinger MA, & Weis K. Methods in enzymology. 2012;511:239-54.
A conserved mechanism of DEAD-box ATPase activation by nucleoporins and InsP6 in mRNA export. Montpetit B, Thomsen ND, Helmke KJ, Seeliger MA, Berger JM, Weis K. Nature. 2011 Apr 14;472(7342):238-42.
Regulators of yeast endocytosis identified by systematic quantitative analysis. Burston HE, Maldonado-Báez L, Davey M, Montpetit B, Schluter C, Wendland B, Conibear E. Journal of Cell Biology. 2009 Jun 15;185(6):1097-110.
Identification of the novel TRAPP associated protein Tca17. Montpetit B, Conibear E. Traffic. 2009 Jun;10(6):713-23.
Correlation between the secondary structure of pre-mRNA introns and the efficiency of splicing in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Rogic S, Montpetit B, Hoos HH, Mackworth AK, Ouellette BF, Hieter P. BMC Genomics. 2008 Jul 29;9:355.
Sumoylation of the budding yeast kinetochore protein Ndc10 is required for Ndc10 spindle localization and regulation of anaphase spindle elongation. Montpetit B, Hazbun TR, Fields S, Hieter P. Journal of Cell Biology. 2006 Aug 28;174(5):653-63.
The kinetochore and cancer: what’s the connection? Yuen KW, Montpetit B, Hieter P. Current Opinion in Cell Biology. 2005 Dec;17(6):576-82.
Genome-wide synthetic lethal screens identify an interaction between the nuclear envelope protein, Apq12p, and the kinetochore in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Montpetit B, Thorne K, Barrett I, Andrews K, Jadusingh R, Hieter P, Measday V. Genetics. 2005 Oct;171(2):489-501.
The FA2 gene of Chlamydomonas encodes a NIMA family kinase with roles in cell cycle progression and microtubule severing during deflagellation. Mahjoub MR, Montpetit B, Zhao L, Finst RJ, Goh B, Kim AC, Quarmby LM. Journal of Cell Science. 2002 Apr 15;115(Pt 8):1759-68.
Functional cloning and characterization of a novel nonhomeodomain protein that inhibits the binding of PBX1-HOX complexes to DNA. Abramovich C, Shen WF, Pineault N, Imren S, Montpetit B, Largman C, Humphries RK. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2000 Aug 25;275(34):26172-7.